
Article | 5 min |
Cash flow management is crucial for the success of your small business. By understanding your inflows and outflows and anticipating common cash flow pitfalls, you can leverage best practices and make better-informed, data-driven business decisions. As a small business owner trying to survive these turbulent economic times, being strategic with your cash flow is essential. When small businesses fail, poor cash flow management is often a contributing factor, if not the primary factor. While it does take time and energy to track the money coming in and out of your business, failing to do so means...
Article | 7 min |
Woman meeting to talk with advisor
Small business owners can’t overlook their fraud prevention strategies. The extra cash you might save from cutting corners isn’t worth the money you could lose to scams and hackers. Ensure your employees are well-versed on all the latest techniques cybercriminals use to obtain corporate money and company data. Employees are your most vulnerable access point when it comes to fraud. Malicious actors can easily infiltrate their emails and personal devices to swindle money out from under the company's nose. Even worse, they can do irreparable damage to your business' reputation. But you can...
Lightbulb lit up beside a laptop
In an ever-changing landscape, fraud continues to be a growing threat for most businesses. With 65% of companies reporting fraud attacks 1, it’s clear fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated causing devastation to their victim’s bottom line and operations. Now is the time to safeguard your business and it starts with staying informed. Our experts share valuable insights and actionable strategies to help you fight fraud. The handout covers: Payment fraud trends Common types of fraud Fraudsters’ evolving tactics Best practices and how to better protect your business View Webinar Recording...
Article | 5 min |
Banker handing slip to customer
Don’t let fraud prevention fall by the wayside. To survive in a world full of scammers and thieves, small businesses must take cybersecurity and check fraud seriously. Never trust a suspicious check, and don’t hesitate to request an alternative payment. Utilizing check payments to pay your vendors may also be putting your business at risk. Learn more about check fraud and how to protect your business. Bank checks are still the most popular method for making business-to-business payments. But unfortunately, check fraud has significantly increased over the last several years. According to the...
Article | 3 min |
The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures how much time it takes for your business to convert inventory or other resources into cash from sales. Creating efficiencies with the CCC is one way to increase working capital without generating additional revenue. There are three important factors that affect your CCC: Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO): Measures how quickly your business converts materials into products. Releasing additional working capital into the CCC will allow your business to purchase needed inventory. Access to additional working capital may also allow your business to take...