
Article | 3 min |
Click here to view an important note before clicking on links within the video. Join host Emily Stevens, Senior Marketing Professional at HTLF, in a thought-provoking conversation with Tracy Swaim, Fraud Risk Manager, and John Fick, Fraud Director at HTLF. This conversation involves the intricacies of Fraud Awareness and Imposter Fraud, shedding light on vital strategies for financial security. They'll discuss what today’s Imposter Fraud looks like and what to do when it comes to protecting your finances. Stay ahead of potential fraud by tuning in to this episode and gain a deeper...
Article | 5 min |
Cash flow management is crucial for the success of your small business. By understanding your inflows and outflows and anticipating common cash flow pitfalls, you can leverage best practices and make better-informed, data-driven business decisions. As a small business owner trying to survive these turbulent economic times, being strategic with your cash flow is essential. When small businesses fail, poor cash flow management is often a contributing factor, if not the primary factor. While it does take time and energy to track the money coming in and out of your business, failing to do so means...
Article | 8 min |
Financial Quarterly Banner
Quarterly Market Review: Q3 2023 By: Paul Dickson, Director of Research and Giri Krishnan, Senior Portfolio Manager Does a Resilient 2023 Portend Trouble in 2024? Economic trends continuing through the third quarter prompted the Federal Reserve (Fed) to hike rates again. The Fed cautioned that further tightening, or at least a prolonged period of tight monetary policy, may be necessary. Concerns over the impact on economic activity are growing as it is now 18 months since the beginning of the tightening cycle. Expectations are rising that the surprising resilience of the economy this year - in...
Article | 7 min |
Woman meeting to talk with advisor
Small business owners can’t overlook their fraud prevention strategies. The extra cash you might save from cutting corners isn’t worth the money you could lose to scams and hackers. Ensure your employees are well-versed on all the latest techniques cybercriminals use to obtain corporate money and company data. Employees are your most vulnerable access point when it comes to fraud. Malicious actors can easily infiltrate their emails and personal devices to swindle money out from under the company's nose. Even worse, they can do irreparable damage to your business' reputation. But you can...
Article | 5 min |
Weighing the pros and cons of cash vs. credit can help you strategize your spending habits and get the most out of your money. If you’re wondering if you should carry cash or rely on plastic, consider your financial goals first. Here’s a guide to getting started. You have plenty of ways to spend your money, between cash, credit, debit and digital wallets. But ultimately, it boils down to just two choices: cash vs. credit. Debit cards and digital wallets don’t grow the funds within; they’re just electronic cash. Meanwhile, credit cards allow you to buy now and pay later. Which is superior? When...