
Recent legislation has allowed for significant capital-gains tax savings on investments in designated opportunity zones (“OZs”). There are over 8,000 Opportunity Zones spread throughout all 50 states and U.S. territories, with the entire island of Puerto Rico being one. In general, the zones were designated by governors and located within low-to-moderate income census tracts. This program could offer considerable benefits for investors, lenders and the communities located in OZs, but the benefits do come with risk and some unknowns. In a very basic sense, Opportunity Zone legislation reduces...
In times of uncertainty, fact-driven, long-term planning is imperative for business owners. Understanding what experts are forecasting about the 2022 fresh produce growing season could increase profits for those in AgriBusiness. Every economic sector has felt the sting of the ongoing supply chain crisis, and has been forced to adapt accordingly. However, American produce farmers have incredibly narrow windows to work with, and often can't just wait for the materials they need to eventually arrive. Furthermore, the perishable nature of their goods drives a need for empty shipping containers...
A mass-scale response to the dangers and uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation have left many scrambling to slow their attrition rate and shape employee retention plans to insulate themselves from the fallout. Businesses need to reconsider their retention policies and compensation structures if they hope to navigate the uncertainty successfully. Jump To... Calculating attrition rate | The Great Resignation | Wage pressure | Wage forecasting | Scenario planning | Expanding Candidate Search | Redefine Productivity | Benefits packages | Childcare and parental leave |...
Unfortunately, it’s no longer a matter of “if,” but rather “when” payments fraud will impact your business. As you look at your payment strategy, does it minimize your risk to fraud? Like many businesses, your strategy may be highly focused on check payments, the most compromised payment type. Sixty-six percent of businesses said their companies experienced check fraud as part of the 2021 Association of Financial Professionals Payments Fraud and Control Report. While other payment methods have been targets, the risk significantly decreases with others; a breakdown is below. Tools and Best...
With supply chain issues expected to persist through the coming year, winemakers worldwide should get a head start on glass, label, and cork orders for this and next year's harvests. Many wine producers have shifted from just-in-time to just-in-case model in order to combat the glass shortage. After the stressors of recent days, many Americans are looking to kick back at the end of the day with a glass of something big, bold, and red to calm their nerves. However, bad news: the supply chain crisis has affected every industry—and wine is no exception. Thanks to the rippling shortage effects of...