Blog Post
Wondering what your aging accounts receivable report can reveal? Uncover five pivotal insights to gain a deeper understanding of your financial landscape. Before we dive into how you can use your aging AR report, let’s establish what it is and what it can tell you about your company. An aging...
Blog Post
The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures how much time it takes for your business to convert inventory or other resources into cash from sales. Creating efficiencies with the CCC is one way to increase working capital without generating additional revenue. There are three important factors that...
Blog Post
Amidst rising inflation and an uncertain economic environment, it is essential to find ways to optimize your cash flow—and strategies exist! Read more as we discuss the importance of sensitivity analyses and at how a hard look at billing practices and inventory can help. This year, the U.S. Federal...
Blog Post
Inflation has had a significant impact on businesses and this can lead to a financial stress. However, it is possible for businesses to increase buyer traffic and boost sales even in times of market chaos by employing strategic product and service bundling. Read more here. To combat inflation and...
Blog Post
Owning or renting: which is actually a better strategy during inflationary times? With inflation climbing, you should consider all the factors associated with buying property as you navigate the CRE market. Read more as we delve into this issue. In an attempt to curb inflation, the Federal Reserve...
Blog Post
Your business probably receives daily invoices for payments. Have you considered the steps, manpower and security of your payment method? Cutting a check can take upwards of ten steps and is very unsecure, while ACH and credit card are quicker and more secure. If the latter two are used less...